Four Selected Poems

Four Selected Poems1. To A FriendWe ever drank the same water in Yong RiverAnd became crazy youth in campus one after another.We will meet as firmly as a rock… More


PoemMy fatherland is like the donkey skinThat shrinks each time one has a wishA wish of prosperity: its woods lose their trees, its seas their fishA wish of territorial… More

Of Course and Utensils Shrink

Of Coursehe won’t tell you his whole lifein three hours or in three days, evenif he really wantedto show you that he likes youand trusts you. There’s justno way… More


HungerWhy don’t I eat something newlike the map of Sudan, for exampleor the Egyptian deltain a longitudinal slicefrom split branches to moutha million generations of built up siltor eat… More

Horoscopes For the Dead

Horoscopes For the DeadEvery morning since you fell down on the face of the earth,I read about you in the newspaperalong with the box scores, the weather, and all… More

Irrawaddy Flowing on the Road

Irrawaddy Flowing on the RoadI won't cry, Mother.On the nightsI closed all the doorsTurned off all the lightsAnd slept quietlyI sighed asking myselfWhat mistakes had I made.The first dayNext… More

Holding Company

Towers I could give your palace more glass shine,facing eastward every year without knowing.And no, it’s not convincing waking in fog and rain,steel and stone soaring above the living. After… More


Reinstatement of the RoseIt’s time to reinstate the rose,banned too long for its multiple meanings.Without pseudonyms, the journalist has a nosefor his own noose. If only to adorn graves,It’s… More


i name bridges of every day the morning commute is a bridge connecting the comfort of my bed to the grind of the pens that i push— papers i fold into model F-14 tomcats More