Rilke Shake

gertrude stein has an ass out to there gertrude / stein and when she gets out there she makes a great noise as / though someone dragged a wet… More

Notes of a Native Son

I’m the truest sort of resident. The kind who, / asked to offer proof that he resides here, fails. / The guy who comes from someplace else & thrives… More

Angina Days

Powdered milk from the firm of Harrison Bros., Chicago, / dried egg from Walker’s, Merrymaker & Co., of Kingstown, Alabama, / any flour left unconfiscated by the German camp… More

Three Poems

A calm sign in the trees of May: she’s dead, / not like this dirge staining the air, her name / recited in the camphor-house where the chalk /… More

A Theory of the Novel

a boy’s attention, corralled / in sand, pebbles, and the sun’s / slow clockwork, fails to take in / the wreckage, though / years from now, he’ll describe it… More

Oranges and Snow

My days will be a row of milk pails / and buckets filled with midnight liquids / darker and thicker than melted pitch, / so that in the end… More