Before the Next World Cup

It was Amichai’s idea, those wishes.After Emanuel Petit scored the third goal and it was already clear that France would take the Cup, and there was a faint sense… More


The girl listens in amazement as the cryptic novelist reads a chapter of his latest novel. When he finishes, everyone applauds. She manages to maneuver herself into a strategic… More


Chapter OneTravis stood in front of locker #78. The clatter and bang and yammering voices pounded at the back of his head. He started the combination, slowly spinning the… More

A Person of Interest

Lee closed the door and crept onto his bed. He hadn’t pressed the button of the lock; he was afraid he might be reprimanded. He heard the thump of… More


She feels the words before she sees the object. She feels the words although no one has spoken them. This is how a crowd brings things to single consciousness.… More


Lightning struck once when he was in the open foundation, soldering the last joint of the hot-water tank. It threw him to the opposite wall. He got up and… More

Point Omega

I tormented myself over the running time, settling finally on a freakish fifty-seven-minute movie that was screened at a couple of documentary festivals. It could have been a hundred… More