On Omega Minor

History is the web of lies a society spins to give substance to its meaningless past. Omega Minor examines the big lies of the twentieth century—those of Berlin and… More

Home Truths

When we talk about surveillance in other countries, repression in other countries, political problems in other countries, we need to keep in mind that we have some problems here… More

A Killing Trip

1.I ran into my cousin Gyatso in a bar next to my work unit. Without chatting much he invited me to join a trip to Terdrom Hot Spring next… More

China Permeated with Fear

According to a recent report by The Epoch Times, a tragic incident occurred on Tuesday, October 25 at a primary school in Guangna Town, Tongjiang County, Sichuan Province. The… More

The Complicated Truth

Rudy was the typical, self-centered inconsiderate teenager who always took more from the family’s pot than he ever placed into it. But his family’s love for him remained unconditional. … More

Check Out Day

There’s always a way out of prison, any prison, and it can be done right now, today. The authorities can’t stop you. Well, they can slow you down if… More

Prison and Poetry

I cannot imagine anyone in their right mind saying they enjoy being incarcerated. Prison, especially state prison, is a horrible place. It is not so much being told what,… More