Kyaw Min Yu Ko Jimmy

Literary writer and prominent pro-democracy activist "Ko Jimmy," imprisoned multiple times previously, was charged over his Facebook posts in February 2021 and arrested in October; a military tribunal sentenced… More

Semiramis Babaei

Babaei is an award-winning dramatist, journalist, translator, and literary writer. Her work includes plays, literary criticism, theater criticism, and social satire for magazines. She was arrested at her home… More

Sherwan Amin Sherwani

A columnist and online commentator known for his writing on corruption, Sherwani was first arrested in 2019 in connection to two articles he wrote. He was rearrested in October… More

Adnan Al-Rousan

Al-Rousan, a columnist, was arrested on August 14, 2022 for criticizing the King of Jordan via Facebook. He was charged with inciting conflict and sowing division among the elements… More

Danat Namazbaev

Namazbaev is a blogger and online commentator who uses Facebook to express/post political opinion commentary that is critical of Russia. He was arrested with Marghulan Bornabai in 2020. He… More

Marghulan Boranbai

Boranbai is an online commentator who is often critical of Russia. He was arrested on January 28, 2020, and tried for "inciting ethnic hatred" and "incitement to usurp power… More

Mohammad Zare-Foumani

A columnist, political figure, and online commentator, Zare-Foumani is a reformist who was first arrested in May 2022 and released on bail after 52 days of detention. He was… More

Mona Borzouei

Borzouei was arrested and taken into state custody on September 28, 2022, a week after posting a video of herself reciting a poem in support of the Mahsa Amini… More

Mostafa Aleahmad

On July 8, 2022, Aleahmad was arrested alongside filmmaker Mohammad Rasoulof for “inciting unrest” and “disrupting the psychological safety of society.” He was released on bail after testing positive… More

Mozhgan Kavousi

Kurdish writer and documentary filmmaker Kavousi was arrested at her home on September 22, 2022, and spent at least 35 days in solitary confinement. She was tried for "corruption… More