Artem Kamardin

Kamardin is a poet belonging to the Kabardian ethnic minority in Russia. He was beaten and violently raped by Russian authorities in September 2022 for his poetry readings during… More

Boris Bulgakov

In September 2022, a group of poets took part in the regular Mayakovsky Readings in Moscow. Bulgakov was arrested in front of his home in the evening by plainclothes… More

Egor Shtovba

In 2022, Shtovba was arrested along with others at the Mayakovsky Readings in Moscow. The next day, Artem Kamardin was arrested in relation to the case. The three… More

Nikolay Dayneko

On September 25, 2022, Dayneko was arrested along with Egor Shtovba at the Mayakovsky Readings in Moscow. The next day, Artem Kamardin was arrested in relation to the case.… More

Vladimir Kara-Murza

Kara-Murza is a journalist, politician, and columnist who has long been targeted for his criticism of the Russian government. He survived two poisoning attempts in 2015 and 2017. He… More

Abdullah Jelan

Jelan is an online commentator who went to graduate school in the U.S.; upon his return to Saudi Arabia, he spent months looking for a job. After he was… More

Bilal Al-Saadi

The founder and chairperson of the Freedom Theater in Jenin, Al-Saadi was arrested at a military checkpoint by the Israeli Defense Forces on September 11, 2022. Later in the… More

Lama Ghosheh

A journalist and online commentator, Ghosheh also worked as a researcher at the Palestinian Museum in Birzeit. She was arrested at her home in August 2022 after sharing social… More

Bo Bo Htoo Chaw Ba Thit

Bo Bo Htoo, a poet and literary writer, was arrested at his home on November 15, 2021 by military authorities and first sent to an interrogation camp. He was… More

Htun Zaw Win Wyne

Htun Zaw Win, also known as Wyne, is a screenwriter and director whose films have won multiple awards from the Myanmar Motion Picture Organization. His short film Ban That… More