Tashpolat Tiyip

Tashpolat Tiyip is an academic of Uyghur origin and the former president of Xinjiang University. Authorities stopped Tiyip in 2017 at Beijing airport. It is rumored that Tiyip was… More

Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara

Cultural figure Alcántara has been detained countless times for his activism. In November 2020, he was arrested and began a hunger and thirst strike until his December release, when… More

Abdulqadir Jalaleddin

Abduqadir Jalaleddin is a renowned poet, translator, scholar of contemporary Uyghur literature, and professor at Xinjiang Normal University. He was arrested from his home in early 2018. Authorities provided… More

Hailaite Niyazi Hairat, or Gheyret Niyaz

A former reporter and columnist, Niyazi also managed the Uyghurbiz website and had publicly criticized government policies toward Uyghurs. After a one-day sham trial in 2010, he was convicted… More

Yalqun Rozi

Yalqun Rozi

Rozi is a Uyghur writer, literary critic, and historical researcher. Rozi was detained in October 2016 and formally arrested two months later for inciting separatism. Convicted in January 2018… More

Luo Yuwei

Luo, a student of Ilham Tohti, was arrested for his involvement with Tohti’s website Uyghurbiz, which promotes mutual ethnic understanding between Uyghurs and Han Chinese. He was sentenced in… More

Writers at Risk Database

Qurban Mamut

Mamut, who had worked with Uyghur-run cultural publications for over four decades, disappeared in 2017 after visiting his exiled son in the United States. Authorities told Mamut’s son that… More

Shoret Nijat

Nijat, a student of Ilham Tohti, was arrested for his involvement with Tohti’s website Uyghurbiz, which promotes mutual ethnic understanding between Uyghurs and Han Chinese. He was sentenced in… More

Abliz Ömer

Ömer, a retired editor-in-chief, was arrested and detained in a sweep of staff at Uyghur-run Kashgar Publishing House in 2017 after the Chinese government declared that its books contained… More

Wahitjan Osman

Osman was arrested without charge in 2018 and is currently detained in one of the many Uyghur re-education camps. There is no known date set for his trial; others… More