Fessehaye Yohannes Johannes

Co-founder of the newspaper Setit, Yohannes was arrested in a sweeping crackdown on print media following the September 11 attacks and has been detained incommunicado since, drawing grave concern… More

Idris Mohammed Ali

Popular Tigrinya-language singer/songwriter Idris Mohamed Ali was arrested and detained without charge in November 2005. He has been held incommunicado since; rumors of his death have circulated online but… More

Hisham Fouad Mohamed AbdelHalim Hisham Fouad

A columnist for Mada Masr, Fouad was detained in June 2019 and charged with participating in a Muslim Brotherhood plot to overthrow the Sisi regime. After beginning a hunger… More

Writers at Risk Database

Ismail Alexandrani

Alexandrani is a researcher and journalist who studies extremism and counterterrorism in the North Sinai. He was arrested in November 2015 and charged with baseless crimes, including “publishing government… More

Amanuel Asrat

Asrat has been detained incommunicado since 2001 in a sweeping crackdown on print media folllowing the September 11 attacks. During his peripatetic career, he has published poetry, songs, and… More

Temesgen Ghebreyesus

Ghebreyesus is a newspaper editor, comic, and actor. He has been detained incommunicado since 2001 in a sweeping crackdown on print media following the September 11, 2001 attacks. More

Medhanie Haile

Haile is co-founder of the newspaper Keste Debena. He has been detained incommunicado since 2001 in a sweeping crackdown on print media following the September 11 attacks. Haile has… More

Writers at Risk Database

Dawit Isaak

Co-owner of the newspaper Setit, Isaak has been detained incommunicado since 2001 in a sweeping crackdown on print media following the September 11 attacks. Isaak has been reportedly tortured… More

Writers at Risk Database

Galal El-Behairy

Targeted for his lyrics in the protest song “Balaha” and a book of poetry entitled The Finest Women on Earth, El-Behairy was detained in March 2018. He was sentenced… More

Writers at Risk Database

Alaa Abd El Fattah

A pioneering activist and blogger, Abd El Fattah was first arrested in 2014 and served five years in prison until March 2019. He was re-arrested six months later and… More