Nasrullah Lashani

Lashani, a Kurdish freelance journalist and political commentator, was released early from prison in 2019 but was re-arrested in June 2020 while trying to cross into Türkiye from Iraq… More

Qasem Bahrami Sheyda Hamedani

Poet and musician Qasem Bahrami was detained in September 2021 on unknown charges, most likely due to his original poems and online readings of verses that criticize the government.… More

Maykel Castillo Perez

Maykel Castillo Pérez El Osorbo

Pérez has faced harassment for his activism, including police beatings and repeated arbitrary detentions since 2018. He was arrested in May 2021 for co-writing “Patria y Vida,” a Grammy-winning… More

Abdel Nasser Salama

Abdel Naser Salama, a columnist and political commentator, was arrested in July 2021 for a Facebook post in which he called for President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi to resign. While held… More

Nabijan Habibullah

Award-winning academic, researcher, and professor at Minzu and Xinjiang Universities, Habibullah is serving a 15-year sentence for unknown charges. His arrest and imprisonment are suspected to be tied to… More

Gheyratjan Osman

After being disappeared for more than a year, in May 2020 Gheyratjan Osman was confirmed to be imprisoned and serving a ten-year sentence for vague separatism charges. A scholar… More

Gulnisa Imin Gulhan

Gulnisa Imin is a Uyghur literature teacher and poet known for her writings about Uyghur culture. In March 2018, on the 345th night of her poetry project, "One Thousand… More

Yeung Ching-kei Li Ping

The lead opinion writer for Apple Daily, Yeung has written over 800 editorials and opinion pieces in which he has been critical of government crackdowns on dissent. On June… More

Gangkye Drubpa Kyab Gang Metak

Gangkye Drubpa Kyab is a a poet, teacher, and essayist who has written on the 2008 Tibetan unrest and was jailed between 2012 and 2016 for his expression. He… More

Luo Changping

Author and blogger, Luo Changping was arrested in October 2021 for “defaming martyrs” after posting on Weibo a critical review of a film depicting a battle in the Korean… More