Pham Chi Thanh Pham Thanh

A member of the Independent Journalists Association of Vietnam, Pham Thanh is the author of several books and essays critical of government leaders. He was arrested on May 21,… More

Aytekin Gezici

Gezici is a prominent political commentator, Zaman reporter, and author of more than 25 books on Turkish politics. He has been accused of “violating confidentiality” in his books and… More

Salim Al-Jabali

Al-Jabali ran a Facebook page called "Minister of Hypertension and Diabetes" in which he posted political opinions. He was detained for several Facebook posts in which he called the… More

Saud Al-Sarhan

A researcher and columnist whose published works include political commentary on Saudi political, economic, and social issues, Al-Sarhan went missing in October 2021 after writing an article that acknowledged… More

Paul Rusesabagina

Paul Rusesabagina

Rusesabagina is the author of An Ordinary Man, an autobiography of his life as a hotel manager during the Rwandan genocide. He was detained in August 2020 when boarding… More

Miguel Mendoza Urbina

A former sports journalist in Nicaragua, Miguel Mendoza Urbina began publishing his dissident political opinions on Twitter and Facebook where he has a significant following. On June 21, 2021,… More

Alaa Al-Mashrawi

Director of Al-Mashreq News, Alaa Al-Mashrawi is a vocal critic who writes opinion pieces and columns in solidarity with Palestinians. In 2020, he wrote an article calling for the… More

Mya Aye

Mya Aye

Mya Aye was surrounded at gunpoint and arrested on February 1, 2021, the first day of the coup. He was charged with “inciting ethnic hatred” using a 2014 email… More

Myo Tazar Maung Tayzar

Poet, translator, and teacher Myo Tazar Maung was arrested on September 20, 2021, after he posted on Facebook expressing criticism regarding the military government. He was charged with… More

Saw Phoe Khwar

Reggae singer and public figure Saw Phoe Khwar was detained on February 1, 2021 on the first day of the military coup. He was sentenced to two years in… More