Sun Daluo

A long-time writer and dissident, Sun was arrested in June 2021 for publishing books abroad and authoring online articles that criticized leaders of the Chinese Communist Party. He was… More

Tian Qizhuang

Columnist and literary writer Tian was arrested in August 2022 after publishing two letters about the dangers of worshiping of Xi Jinping, President of China. He was accused of… More

Ruan Xiaohuan

An online commentator and creator of the anonymous blog "Program Think," Ruan often posted critical comments on his popular Twitter account about the Chinese Communist Party, and helped Chinese… More

Nasta Karnackaja

Nasta Karnackaja is a literary critic and columnist who runs the Telegram channel “Bellit” where she publishes book reviews and commentary. In May 2022, she assisted with the… More

Pavel Vinahradau

Vinahradau is an activist and online commentator who ran a Telegram channel. It was declared extremist and Vinahradau was detained on December 22, 2021. He was charged with incitement… More

Andrey Yanushkevich

Author and publisher Yanushkevich was detained on May 16, 2022 after police raided his home, looking for “extremist materials.” Two hundred copies of George Orwell’s 1984 were confiscated, and… More

Ihsane El Kadi

El Kadi is the director of the independent media outlets Radio M and Maghreb Emergent. In May 2022, he was convicted of "dissemination of false information to undermine national… More

Lazhari Labter

Labter, a journalist and publisher whose writing gained popularity during the Hirak protests, was arrested in his home on November 20, 2022. On November 28, he was released from… More

Keyvan Mohtadi

Mohtadi is a writer, translator, and labor activist. In recent years, his membership in the Iranian Writers’ Association and support of workers' rights have made him a target. On… More

Wang Aizhong

Wang, a well-known activist and online commentator, was detained ahead of the anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen protests in May 2021, likely because of his critical tweets; the formal… More