Hu Shigen

A freelance writer, Hu was detained arbitrarily in July 2015; police did not answer his family’s enquiries as to his whereabouts. He was formally arrested in January 2016 on… More

Li Bifeng

In 2012, Li was convicted of contract fraud, though it is likely that he was targeted in retaliation for his peaceful activism and links with exiled writers. On April… More

Li Tie

Li was sentenced to ten years in prison in 2012 for ‘subversion of state power’ after writing critical online essays and pro-democracy leaning works. He did not have a… More

Tsi Conrad

Conrad, a photojournalist, was beaten and arrested at gunpoint in 2016 while filming a rally at which police killed four protesters. For disseminating the footage, Conrad was sentenced to… More

Writers at Risk Database

Gui Minhai

A Swedish citizen, Gui was one of five Hong Kong booksellers to disappear in 2015 and resurface in Chinese custody. While the others have been released, Gui spent years… More

Writers at Risk Database

Nurmuhemmet Yasin

Award-winning Uyghur author and poet Yasin was imprisoned in February 2005 on charges of 'inciting separatism' for his poem "Wild Pigeon," an allegory about the son of a pigeon… More

Chen Jieren

In retribution for his blog posts discussing fraud and corruption committed by a local party official and other government criticism, Chen Jieren was held in criminal detention for retaliatory… More

Sophia Huang Xueqin

Huang was detained in October 2019 after publicly supporting sexual assault survivors and creating a platform to promote survivor solidarity. She was released in early 2020, but police kept… More

Égide Harerimana

Short story writer and reporter Harerimana was arrested with other members of the Iwacu staff in October 2019 while investigating clashes between security forces and armed groups. In January… More

Abdelhamid Amine Nime

Cartoonist Amine, best known as Nime, was arrested in December 2019 after posting caricatures critical of the military in the weeks preceding a controversial presidential election. He was released… More