Yasin Qasemi Bajd

A member of the Sunni minority in Iran who writes on politics and religion, Yasin Qasemi Bajd was arrested and reportedly interrogated in February 2021 on a number of… More

Marjan Davari

Marjan Davari was arrested on September 23, 2015 after translating a book about the Eckankar spiritual group, and faced multiple charges, including “corruption on earth.” Though she was sentenced… More

Javier L. Mora

Mora is a contemporary poet and founding member of Archipiélago, a civic group calling for democracy and civil rights in Cuba. He was arrested on the morning of July… More

Abdennour Abdesselam

An ethnic minority rights advocate, Abdesselam was arrested on September 13, 2021 on charges of “belonging to a terrorist organization,” and was accused of being connected to the Movement… More

Milad Jannat

Jannat is a member of the Iranian Writers Association, a translator, and a poet. He was detained in a home raid in July 2020, in which authorities reportedly confiscated… More

Hanna Komar

Hanna Komar

Poet and activist Komar was detained on September 8, 2020 during a peaceful march in support of detained activists. She served nine days of administrative arrest in Akrestsina and… More

Mehdi Salimi

Salimi writes on gender and politics. He was detained for a month in July 2020 and released on bail. In July 2021, a court convicted him of propaganda and… More

Siarzh Miadzvedzeu

A member of PEN Belarus, Miadzvedzeu was detained at a peaceful protest in Minsk on September 8, 2020, after the election of Aleksander Lukashenka. He was conditionally released the… More

Uladzimir Liankevich

A project manager at PEN Belarus, Liankevich was detained at a peaceful protest in Minsk on September 8, 2020, after the election of Aleksander Lukashenka. He was sentenced during… More

Zahra Mohammadi

Zahra Mohammadi

Mohammadi was arrested in 2019 for teaching the Kurdish language and detained for seven months, including a period in solitary confinement. In February 2021, an appeals court upheld a… More