Ihar Bancer

Bancer, lyricist and frontman for band Mister X, was detained in October 2020 for his partially nude protest in front of police. He was charged with hooliganism, likely due… More

Anatol Kudlasevich

Kudlasevich penned the song “The Anthem of Resistance” that he performed at rallies protesting Lukashenka's election. He was illegally detained despite ‘disability group 2’ immunity, sentenced to ten days… More

Pablo Rivadulla

Pablo Rivadulla Pablo Hásel

After briefly evading authorities, Spanish rapper Rivadulla was arrested in February 2021 for insulting members of the royal family and “promoting terrorism” in his music and tweets. In March… More

Denis Solís González

Solís González is a Cuban songwriter and rapper whose musical work critiques repression by the authorities. Solís was forcibly detained in November 2020 after he posted a video on… More

Yury Stylski

In August 2020, Stylski, lyricist and leader of a black-listed band ‘Daj Dorogu,’ attended a peaceful rally in Brest with a loud-speaker and Belarusian flag. He was later detained… More

Khado Tsetan

Tibetan lyricist Khado Tsetan was detained in 2019 due to a song he wrote that praised the Dalai Lama. In July 2020 the Chinese government sentenced him to seven… More

Lhundrub Drakpa

Lhundrub Drakpa was detained in May 2019 shortly after the release of his song “Black Hat.” He had been arbitrarily detained for over a year, during which he was… More

Ablikim Kalkun

In late 2019, Uyghur comedian and singer Kalkun was reportedly sentenced to 18 years in prison for performing songs deemed politically sensitive, despite the fact they were earlier approved… More

Qasim Sidiq

Qasim Sidiq was detained by authorities in March 2017, after which he disappeared. Nearly four years later his detention was confirmed. According to a Radio Free Asia source, Sidiq’s… More

Alena Palachanskaya

During a street rally on August 20, 2020 both members of the band LAUDANS, Palachanskaya and Andrey Luhin, had their instruments confiscated. On October 16, 2020 both were detained… More