Dalal Abu Amneh

Abu Amneh’s media team posted her words, “The Only Victor is God,” adding a Palestinian flag emoji, following the October 7th attack. After receiving threats towards her and her… More

Byu Har

Hip-hop artist Byu Har has used his work to criticize the junta, leading to warnings from authorities. He was arrested in May 2023 after live-streaming a video to social… More

Taymaz Afsari

Afsari is a poet and composer. He was arrested for “slogan writing” in a violent home raid on June 17, 2023. His electronics were confiscated and he was severely… More

Vafa Ahmadpour

Ahmadpour is a rapper whose work engages with political themes. On February 4, 2024, he turned himself in to the authorities after a year spent in hiding. He had… More

Eduard Charlotte

Pop singer and blogger Charlotte staged several symbolic anti-war actions in 2023. He was arrested upon returning to Russia in November 2023. He faces criminal charges for “rehabilitating Nazism,”… More

Milad Jalili

Jalili is an Iranian rapper who was arrested in November 2023. Before his arrest, he had published and written a song online calling for the release of Azeri citizens.… More

Sasan Chamanara

Chamanara is a Kurdish singer and activist. He was arrested in October 2022 for participating in the Mahsa Amini protests. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison in… More

Mehdi Yarrahi

Songwriter Yarrahi was arrested in August 2023 for writing a song titled "Rosarito" (Your Headscarf), an anti-hijab and pro-women's rights song. He was charged with "propaganda," "corruption," and "publishing… More

Ruslan Chliebarodau

Writer of Stop the Cockroach, a popular anti-Lukashenko song, Chliebarodau was arrested in April 2023 and accused of "insulting public officials" and "disgracing the state power and governing bodies."… More

Sergei Mikhalok

A musician and songwriter, Mikhalok has been banned from entering Belarus since 2015 for "insulting the president" and currently lives in Ukraine. He has faced transnational repression and pressure… More