Julián Fuks

Author of Resistance, Fuks has faced harassment for a column he wrote about Brazilian then-president Bolsonaro. The 2016 winner of Brazil's prestigious Jabuti literary prize, he has received death… More

Jeferson Tenório

Author of The Back of the Skin, Tenório received death threats while on tour to promote his book in São Paulo, Brazil in March 2022. The original title O… More

Svetlana Alexievich

A renowned literary writer, essayist and Belarus's first ever Nobel Prize winner, Alexievich was charged for alleged "appeals to overthrow or change constitutional order of the Republic of Belarus… More

Dom Phillips

A columnist and literary writer, Phillips was shot and killed on June 5, 2022 in the remote Javari Valley in the western part of the Amazonas in Brazil. He… More

José Viñuela

An author and journalist, Viñuela received death threats from an unknown telephone number on September 8, 2022. Viñuela has written about the 2023 Argentine presidential election, and is also… More

Ahmet Turan Alkan

A columnist for Zaman newspaper and literary writer, Alkan has been facing harassment for his written work since 2016. He was sentenced to 2 years and six months in… More

Arzu Demir

A literary writer and journalist, Demir was sentenced to 6 years in prison for writing two books titled “Dağın Kadın Hali (Womanly State of the Mountain)” and “Devrimin Rojava… More

Óscar-René Vargas

Fleeing into exile in 2018, the well-known sociologist and writer Vargas was arressted immediately upon his return to Nicaragua in November 2022. Detained for nearly three months, Vargas was… More

Sergio Ramirez

Notable literary writer and winner of the 2017 Cervantes Prize, Ramirez is an outspoken critic of the Nicaraguan government. He wrote a novel Tongolele no Sabia Bailar in 2021… More

Christopher Acosta Alfaro

An investigative journalist and author of the book Plata como cancha, Acosta was sued for defamation by presidential candidate Cézar Acuña after his book was published. In his book… More