Ahmed Abdo Muhammad Maher

Maher is an Egyptian author, lawyer, and thinker charged with “contempt for Islam” for his book criticizing religious extremism. Charged in October 2021, less than a month later he… More

Gheyratjan Osman

After being disappeared for more than a year, in May 2020 Gheyratjan Osman was confirmed to be imprisoned and serving a ten-year sentence for vague separatism charges. A scholar… More

Gangkye Drubpa Kyab Gang Metak

Gangkye Drubpa Kyab is a a poet, teacher, and essayist who has written on the 2008 Tibetan unrest and was jailed between 2012 and 2016 for his expression. He… More

Luo Changping

Author and blogger, Luo Changping was arrested in October 2021 for “defaming martyrs” after posting on Weibo a critical review of a film depicting a battle in the Korean… More

Qiu Ziming La Bi Xiao Qiu

In February 2021, author and blogger Qiu was detained for questioning on Weibo the Chinese government-reported casualty numbers in an India-China border dispute. In May 2021, he was sentenced… More

Uladzimir Matskevich

Uladzimir Matskevich

Matskevich is a philosopher who was arrested in a home raid on August 4, 2021 and detained in restrictive conditions, justified by the authorities’ claims that he is “prone… More

Valeria Kostyugova

Valeria Kostyugova

Political analyst and writer Kostyugova is editor of the online community Our Opinion and its annual publication Belarusian Yearbook. In June 2021, she was detained in a home raid… More

Ales Bialacki

Ales Bialacki

Bialacki is a writer, literary critic, and head of human rights group Viasna. In July 2021, he was arrested on feigned tax evasion charges targeting his work to monitor… More

Alexander Feduta

Literary intellectual and PEN Belarus member Feduta was arrested in April 2021 in Moscow and quickly extradited to Belarus on “suspicion of committing a crime.” On September 5, 2022,… More

Andrzej Poczobut

Andrzej Poczobut

Belarusian-Polish political writer and minority rights activist Poczobut comments on politics in his blog and columns, for Polish newspapers, and has published a book on Lukashenka’s impact. He was… More