Ablet Abdureshid Berqi

Berqi, an author, teacher, and poet, has been writing since 1988. His work was published in numerous newspapers and magazines and his collection of poems, including "Girl's Season," essays… More

Hui Po-keung

Hui is a professor, social commentator, and cultural studies scholar whose numerous academic publications focus on the history of capitalism, education, and the economy. In May 2022, he was… More

Munkhbayar Chuluundorj

A founding member of the World Mongols Poetry Association, Chuluundorj is a well-known blogger, poet, and human rights defender known for defending Inner Mongolian human rights, culture, and history.… More

Lobsang Lhundup Dhi Laden

A poet and Tibetan intellectual, Lhundup has written works criticizing Chinese rule in Tibet. He was arrested in 2019 and detained incommunicado for 2 years. In October 2021, he… More

Pema Rinchen Poison Thorn

Author and poet Rinchen disappeared in 2020 when he was contemplating writing a second book on Tibetan language and culture. His whereabouts were unknown until he was sentenced to… More

Sun Daluo

A long-time writer and dissident, Sun was arrested in June 2021 for publishing books abroad and authoring online articles that criticized leaders of the Chinese Communist Party. He was… More

Tian Qizhuang

Columnist and literary writer Tian was arrested in August 2022 after publishing two letters about the dangers of worshiping of Xi Jinping, President of China. He was accused of… More

Allan Au Ka-lun

Au is an author, columnist, journalist known for his regular commentary in the now-shuttered Stand News and Hong Kong’s Ming Pao newspaper. He also comments on politics and society… More

Andrey Yanushkevich

Author and publisher Yanushkevich was detained on May 16, 2022 after police raided his home, looking for “extremist materials.” Two hundred copies of George Orwell’s 1984 were confiscated, and… More

Akli Mouhoubi

Mouhoubi is a poet and literary writer who was engaged in freelance reporting at a local newspaper. He was suddenly arrested at his workplace and taken into custody on… More