Min Htin Ko Ko Gyi

Min Htin Ko Ko Gyi

Documentary filmmaker Min Htin Ko Ko Gyi, formerly detained for nearly a year for criticizing the military in his films and social media posts, was released in February 2020.… More

Writers at Risk Database

Saw Wai

Saw Wai, a lifelong activist and well-known poet, was charged in October 2019 with making defamatory statements at a public gathering in April after a case was lodged against… More

Augustine Ford

Rapper Ford (AKA: A.Fo4doe) was harassed and detained by police in September 2018 after he was identified as the producer of a song that critiques government corruption. He was… More

Zulkifli Anwar Ulhaque Zunar

Political cartoonist Zunar faces sedition charges filed in January 2021 for his satirical cartoon criticizing the government’s cancellation of Thaipusam, an annual Hindu festival. Zunar previously faced 43 years… More

Writers at Risk Database

Atena Farghadani

In 2014, Farghadani was sentenced to over 12 years in prison for a cartoon she drew to criticize a family planning law, which depicted lawmakers as animals. Her sentence… More

Writers at Risk Database

Hossein Rajabian

Rajabian was arrested in October 2013 with his brother Mehdi in connection with an underground music sharing website that they co-founded. He began serving his sentence in June 2016… More

Baktash Abtin

Baktash Abtin

Poet and filmmaker Abtin, with two other board members of the Iranian Writers Association, was convicted in 2019 for opposing state censorship policies. Abtin's six-year prison sentence was upheld,… More

G. Balakrishnan G. Bala

The cartoonist, popularly known as G. Bala, was arrested in 2017 on defamation charges after publishing a political cartoon that depicts leaders nude, covering their genitals with bundles of… More


S. Sivadas Kovan

The folk singer popularly known as Kovan uses his music as a platform for activism. He was arrested in 2018 after performing a song at a protest that mocked… More

Writers at Risk Database

Aseem Trivedi

Trivedi launched the campaign Cartoons Against Corruption in 2011. In January 2012, he was charged with sedition and defamation in connection with his cartoons and spent the majority of… More