Bergün Varan Grup Yorum

Varan is a member of activist collective and band Grup Yorum, whose critical songs have angered the Turkish government since its inception. She has been arrested and detained multiple… More

Tuğçe Tayyar Grup Yorum

Tayyar is a member of activist collective and band Grup Yorum. Since the band’s inception, members have faced serious threats for its songs critical of the government. Tayyar was… More

Bahar Kurt Grup Yorum

Kurt is a member of the activist band Grup Yorum. Since the band’s inception, its critical songs have angered the government and members have faced serious threats. Kurt faced… More

Writers at Risk Database

Helin Bölek Grup Yorum

Singer Bölek was a member of activist collective and band Grup Yorum. Since the band’s inception, its critical songs have angered the Turkish government and members have faced serious… More

Sultan Gökçek Grup Yorum

Gökçek is a member of activist collective and band Grup Yorum, whose critical songs have angered the Turkish government since its inception. She has been arrested in police raids… More

Kudakwashe Bwititi

Bwititi was arrested alongside co-filmwriter Tendai Maduwa after a screening of their film The Lord of Kush. The film tells the story of a clash of cultures between Islamic… More

Tendai Maduwa

Director and producer Maduwa was arrested alongside co-filmwriter Kudakwashe Bwititi after a screening of their fim The Lord of Kush. The film tells the story of a clash of… More