Narges Mohammadi

Mohammadi, jailed relentlessly by authorities for her writing and advocacy, was freed in 2020, but in May 2021 was again sentenced to 2.5 years in prison and 80 lashes.… More

Arzhang Davoodi

Davoodi was arrested in 2003 after participating in the production of a documentary entitled Forbidden Iran. After a series of sham trials and convictions, he faced the death penalty… More

Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee

Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee

Iraee was first sentenced to six years in prison in 2014 on charges related to an unpublished short story criticizing the practice of stoning. Released in April 2019, she… More

Writers at Risk Database

Aseem Trivedi

Trivedi launched the campaign Cartoons Against Corruption in 2011. In January 2012, he was charged with sedition and defamation in connection with his cartoons and spent the majority of… More

Banamallika Choudhury

In July 2019, a police report was filed against Choudhury and other “Miya” (Bengali-language Muslim) poets after the online publication of a poem by Hafiz Ahmed that authorities claimed… More

Writers at Risk Database

Arundhati Roy

Winner of the Man Booker prize and a longtime activist, Roy reported in August 2019 that a court had ordered Delhi police to issue a First Information Report against… More

Nandini Sundar

In 2016, Sundar, a writer, academic, and activist, was accused with nine others of murdering Shamnath Baghel, who had formerly filed complaints against Sundar for supporting Maoists and inciting… More

Writers at Risk Database

Anand Teltumbde

Leading public intellectual and Dalit activist Teltumbde was charged with inciting caste violence in the village of Bhima Koregaon in 2018, though reports indicate police initiated the conflict. He… More

Writers at Risk Database

Dina Meza

Dina Meza, an internationally renowned human rights defender, journalist, and founding member of PEN Honduras, experiences ongoing harassment and surveillance. PEN believes she is targeted for practicing free expression,… More

Cesario Alejandro Félix Padilla Figueroa

Cesario Alejandro Félix Padilla Figueroa

Padilla Figueroa, a journalist and student leader, was reportedly sentenced in 2017 to three years in prison for his participation in protests at the Honduran National Autonomous University. Though… More