Marko Vidojković

An award-winning author, columnist, and blogger, Vidojković received more than 50 death threats in 2021-2022 after he published his 2020 novel Djubre. Anonymous threats drew a comparison between him,… More

Writers at Risk Database

Svetlana Slapšak

Writer and activist Svetlana Slapšak faced physical and legal threats for her human rights work in Serbia. In 1989, she was dismissed from her job, and in 1991 fled… More

Svetlana Slapsak

Svetlana Slapšak | Status: Displaced/In Exile | Serbia

Svetlana Slapsak, a Serb from Belgrade, is the author of the hugely popular novel Leon and Leonine. Slapsak has written articles criticizing Serbian nationalism and decrying injustices perpetrated by… More