Aung Than

Zeya Aung and Aung Than collaboratively wrote a book of poems and were subsequently arrested on politically motivated charges. Others involved in the production of the book were also… More

Writers at Risk Database

Ma Thida

Human rights activist, surgeon, and writer Ma Thida was sentenced to 20 years in prison on charges of endangering public peace, distributing unlawful literature, and having contact with illegal… More

Nay Phone Latt

Nay Phone Latt

Nay Phone Latt, whose blog had been praised by the BBC for publishing trustworthy news, was arrested in February 2008 and sentenced to a total of 20 years in… More

Aung Myint

Aung Myint, prolific writer and National League for Democracy (NLD) party member, was arrested for distributing information to the international press about the repression of the NLD. Originally sentenced… More

Lu Maw Naing The Unity Five

Lu Maw Naing was arrested with four other employees of the Unity newspaper after it published an exposé about an alleged secret chemical weapons factory. The 'Unity Five' were… More

Writers at Risk Database

San San Nwe

San San Nwe, a Burmese novelist, journalist, and activist, was sentenced in 1994 to ten years imprisonment in relation to her activism and support for then-imprisoned politician Aung San… More

Yarzar Oo The Unity Five

Yarzar Oo was arrested with four other employees of the Unity newspaper after it published an exposé about an alleged secret chemical weapons factory. The 'Unity Five' were sentenced… More