Javier L. Mora

Mora is a contemporary poet and founding member of Archipiélago, a civic group calling for democracy and civil rights in Cuba. He was arrested on the morning of July… More

Maykel Castillo Perez

Maykel Castillo Pérez El Osorbo

Pérez has faced harassment for his activism, including police beatings and repeated arbitrary detentions since 2018. He was arrested in May 2021 for co-writing “Patria y Vida,” a Grammy-winning… More

Ramón Eusebio López Díaz El Invasor

Known for his dissident writing in his songs and online, rapper Ramón Eusebio López Díaz livestreamed his arrest on June 18, 2021, as police broke into his house following… More

Richard Zamora El Radikal

Zamora is a lyricist who frequently expresses critical ideas about the Cuban government in his music. On July 12, 2021, Zamora was arrested after participating in the 11J protests… More

Crowd of protesters in Havana, Cuba, with one being detained by police

Cuban Authorities Lock Down Would-Be Protesters

State security forces in Cuba today prevented demonstrators from taking part in a planned rally to protest ongoing repression and persecution on the island, barricading artists, journalists, and activists… More