Robert Posada Rosero

Author of four short novels, Rosero is also a journalist who has left Colombia for his own safety. He received three separate death threats in December 2021 and authorities… More

Julián Fernando Martinez Vallejo

Martinez Vallejo is an award-winning investigative journalist and author of ChuzaDAS. His writing is focused on illegal surveillance of journalists. On February 22, 2022, Vallejo was attacked by armed… More

Jineth Bedoya Lima | Status: Under Threat | Colombia

Jineth Bedoya Lima is a Colombian journalist who reports on law enforcement, paramilitary groups, and abductions within Colombia. Bedoya Lima was abducted twice while reporting—once on May 25, 2000,… More

Juan Pablo Barrientos

Juan Pablo Barrientos

In October 2019, after he published Let the Little Children Come to Me, Barrientos was accused of defamation by members of the Catholic Church. During two trials, sales of… More

Writers at Risk Database

Jineth Bedoya Lima

Bedoya was abducted twice while reporting: she was kidnapped, raped, and tortured while preparing for an interview with a paramilitary group leader in 2000; and was abducted in 2003… More

Julio César González Matador

González is a cartoonist whose work satirizes Colombian politicians. In April 2018, he announced that due to death threats he received from supporters of former president Alvaro Uribe, who… More

One Journalist Killed, Two Threatened

PEN International protests the murder of El Heraldo de Urabá and Urabá al Día journalist Luis Eduardo Gómez, who was shot dead in front of his wife in Arboletes,… More