Abduqeyum Ablimit

Ablimit, one of Ilham Tohti’s students, was arrested from his home in 2014 for his involvement with the website Uyghurbiz, which promotes ethnic understanding between Uyghurs and Han Chinese.… More

Memetjan Abliz Boriyar

Boriyar was one of 14 staff members at the Uyghur-run Kashgar Publishing House to be arrested and detained in 2018 for his role in the publication of books deemed… More

Writers at Risk Database

Nurmuhemmet Yasin

Award-winning Uyghur author and poet Yasin was imprisoned in February 2005 on charges of 'inciting separatism' for his poem "Wild Pigeon," an allegory about the son of a pigeon… More

Ilham Tohti | Status: Imprisoned | China

Ilham Tohti, a Uyghur economist, writer, and professor, is currently serving a life sentence for promoting ethnic harmony and understanding. More