Shokjang (Druklo) | Status: Conditional Release | China/Tibet Autonomous Region

Shokjang, a Tibetan writer and intellectual, was arrested in March 2015 and sentenced to three years in prison on February 17, 2016 for writing an essay and blogpost. More

Kunchok Tsephel | Status: Conditional Release | China/Tibet Autonomous Region

Kunchok Tsephel is a prominent internet writer and editor of the Tibetan-language website Chomei (Butter Lamp), which promotes Tibetan culture and literature. He was arrested in February 2009 and… More

Dolma Kyab | Status: Released | China/Tibet Autonomous Region

Dolma Kyab is a writer and teacher in his native Tibet, born in 1976. After protests and riots broke out in Lhasa in March 2008, Dolma Kyab was reportedly… More

Ven. Ngawang Phulchung | Status: Released | China/Tibet Autonomous Region

Ven. Ngawang Phulchung is the senior monk from Drepung monastery near Lhasa. He has also been singled out as the leader of the Drepung printing group, which secretly produced… More