Prominent Dissident Writer Liu Xiaobo Detained

International PEN is seriously concerned about the detention of prominent dissident writer Liu Xiaobo, former President and Board member of the Independent Chinese PEN Center, who was arrested on… More

Dissident Writer Chen Daojun Sentenced

PEN considers Chen Daojun’s conviction to be in violation of his right to free expression as guaranteed by Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which… More

Tibetan Writer Rangjung Detained Without Charges

International PEN is seriously concerned about the detention of Rangjung, a Tibetan writer, singer and television presenter, who has reportedly been held without charge since September 11, 2008. More

Uighur Journalist and Writer Detained

International PEN is seriously concerned about the detention of Uighur journalist and poet Mehbube Ablesh, who was arrested in August 2008 after posting two critical articles online. More

Dissident Writer Hu Shigen Released

International PEN welcomes the release of University lecturer, political activist and dissident writer Hu Shigen on August 26, 2008, after spending sixteen years and three months in prison. More

Days of Illegal Detention

Once again, on the afternoon of December 14, I was interrogated by agents of the Pudong Subdistrict Security Bureau. After two hours of small talk, they had asked about… More

Journalist Ching Cheong Released

International PEN is circulating fthe following report by Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF) of the early release of Chinese journalist Ching Cheong. More