Other Voices, Other Worlds

The lineup for this year’s PEN World Voices Festival of International Literature was announced today at an event held in the beautiful courtyard of the Instituto Cervantes in New… More

In the Time of Jaguars

Having lived many years in the scrub grass in the way of birds/ The boy took on a bird’s kind of stare—/ He obtained a fountain-esque vision./ he observed… More

Death in Spring

After I had left behind the Pont de Fusta and slope, I began to run. I stopped at the edge of the forest, out of breath. No sound issued… More


Men’s faces always appear old to me. Most of the ones who visit the karaoke parlor are ageing, with wives and children at home. They were born in the… More

My Beirut

I felt foreign to myself. Doubt, that blind mole, burrowed down my spine. I leaned back on the car, surveyed the neighborhood, felt the blood throb in the veins… More

Home Truths

When we talk about surveillance in other countries, repression in other countries, political problems in other countries, we need to keep in mind that we have some problems here… More

Soap and Ambergris

I live in a small, single-story house in Al-Atayef Quarter. My husband didn’t leave me anything, apart from a mud house that shakes when the thunder crashes and the… More

Celestial Harmonies

1. It is deucedly difficult to tell a lie when you don't know the truth.2. To kick off a text with a ferocious-looking baroque grand seigneur is gratifying; a… More