A Shortcut to Paradise

After his wife had left to take the children to school, Ernest Fabià sat down in his pyjamas at the formica kitchen table where they had eaten breakfast and… More

The Last Patriarch

The son’s daughterI was born on cue, although some say I came too early, timing that destroyed the family and provoked one of those upsets that pursues you throughout… More

Ludovic Debeurme: Lucille

The following is an excerpt from Lucille by Ludovic Debeurme, a 2011 PEN World Voices Festival participant.LucilleExcerpted from Lucille by Ludovic Debeurme. Copyright © 2011 by Ludovic Debeurme. All rights… More

Beauty Salon

A few years ago my interest in aquariums led me to decorate my beauty salon with colored fish. Now that the salon has become the Terminal, where people who… More

Ghost in a Red Hat

Ghost in a Red Hat —these cabbages under full sail, these ancient walls smothered in ivy and wisteria with its purple froth: in my middle age and sensible girthI rememberstarving.I… More

Your Time Has Come

* * *Light from the ferry’s windowmixed along the floor.Alone, we wait to be delivered.* * *Two new sparrows,the tourists don’t knowthey’re new.* * *Too tired to writeand this… More

September Fata Morgana

Our storydangles in the air in the nightsister for you do not end it its silken thread holds our life invisibly in the dark he who cuts itneeds not… More

Les Etoiles de Sidi Moumen

Quand les vivants pensent à moi, ils m’ouvrent comme un soupirail sur leur monde. Alors je m’y coule en douce, sans faire le moindre bruit. Je me garde de… More

Somebody Please Tell Me Who I Am

1The knife came out of nowhere.Ben Bright sprang back. His arm knocked the weapon into the shadows and nearly clocked his best friend, Niko Petropoulos.“Nervous, are we?” Niko said.Ben… More