Apala of Oga Tunji

Àjàdí’s play about a cheating doctor, his God-fearing wife, and their overeducated driver presents a dramatic portrait of the upper-middle class in Lagos, Nigeria. More

I, Holstein

A playful one-panel graphic on ruminating by Satoshi Kitamura, a contributor to the latest issue of Monkey Business magazine. More

Broken Glass

and since such phrases survive through legends, centuries and millennia, people unfortunately forget who the true authors were, and fail to render to Caesar what is Caesar’s More

Jamal Bakr

Every single day, I expect to be killed. Whenever I leave my home in the morning, I’m not sure I will get home alive. That is what it’s… More

Regarding Susan Sontag

Publicly, Sontag was the fierce, politically brave “dragon lady” of American letters; but in private, she was as confused and vulnerable as the next person. She was fascinating, complex,… More

Six-Word Memoirs

“Six-Word Memoirs” are short life stories, a personal twist on the form that, according to literary lore, Hemingway started when challenged in a bar to write a… More