On Faith & Reason

Instead of me,/ the reading lamp begins to move../ It takes a different shape,/ becomes a starship,/ and the little men/ get off to take me/ as if I… More

On Faith & Reason

But there outside, in the glow of the sinking sun, Sister Cécile sits on the doorstep of the hut and with her smile caresses the vacant stares of the children. Her arms… More

Navid Kermani on Faith & Reason

Moritz Pollesch has a friend called Albrecht, who claims he is going to kill his nine-year-old son within two to three years. Although Moritz cannot imagine Albrecht would be… More

Rushdie, una voz libre de condenas

Sin la sombra del decreto religioso que lo condenó a muerte —anulado por el gobierno iraní en 1998—, Salman Rushdie recibió a Ñ en Nueva York, donde vive y… More

A Crowd That’s Seldom at a Loss for Words

It was one of the largest international gatherings of writers in New York since the PEN international congress of 1986. All this week, some 125 writers from 43 countries… More

Still tilting at Quixote 400 years later

Since the publication of the first volume of Don Quixote in 1605, the world has been enthralled by the tale of the aging country gentleman whose love of chivalric… More

Salman Rushdie Interview

It’s ridiculous that New York doesn’t have an international literary festival. It was an obvious hole in the cultural calendar we wanted to fill. More