The First O.J. Book

I got the idea for an O.J. Simpson book long before all the others came out. The inspiration came in a flash at three in the morning as I… More

Pieces of a Dream

Pieces of a DreamSmacking gum, smiling, and wearing atight mini-mini that barely coversthe imagination, she looks like shebelongs in a junior high somewhere—and even that might be a stretch.It’s… More

Poinsett County

—for Uncle DaleOrange-red gravel roads crisscrossedfields where the flat farmland yieldedbales of cotton and tons of soy beans.We planted, chopped, and picked cottonfrom spring into summer through autumnfor fifty… More

Old Letter

On your plain white envelope a handwritten address hints at the personal inside. Long time companion through many transfers and years, you have been worked soft and your stamp… More

No Light Escapes

1“You’re thinking of stabbing a guy because you think he may be plotting to stab you,” Goodman said with a slightly mocking incredulity. “What if you’re wrong?”“What if I’m not?”… More

In a Nut’s Cell

The old man sat up on one of the upper bunks in his cell, gazing out through the barred window, deep in thought while taking in the awesome scenery… More

Shepherds of the Passaic

It is as though one, looking out from a dark cave in a side of an impending mountain, sees the world passing and speaks to it; speaks courteously and… More

A Shameful Killing

Charlie checked the Jiffy Mart from the phone booth. Old Leonard would be closing soon. He tried to imagine the look on the old man’s face when he saw… More