A Higher Morality

I. A Moral Revolution Martin Luther King, Jr., at the height of the Civil Rights Movement, and facing three centuries of hatred, racism, and oppression, had a powerful message for… More

Six Basement

I was 12 months into my bit in reform school and had caught some kind of awful disease. I had sores all over, with puffy scabs on them. They… More

Locker Key

He devoutly watchedfrom the wooden bleachersas his son click, click, clickedhis way around the icein double blades.Layers of clothes prevent the boy’sarms and legs from bendingmaking him stutter stepmore… More

A Way of Saying

A Way of SayingIt was a way of sayingtime had stopped, thatlife had been put awaynice & neat inside aspecial place.“A sign of the times," They said.“For the best."It… More

A Fresh End

It is important to find the right place for an ending. Places we pass through are easily forgotten; whether the right place at the right time or not, we… More

Lepidoptera or Butterflies

Lepidopteraor ButterfliesThere is a blue chair in a room with 60 menIt bears the gravity of a black hole,an inward burning star, drawingall light, all matter toward it.Names flutter… More


Towers with Howitzers Walls that touch the sky Razor sharp fencing wired for sensing Doubt them and die Loudspeakers cameras that zoom Microphones in every room X-ray machines… More

The First O.J. Book

I got the idea for an O.J. Simpson book long before all the others came out. The inspiration came in a flash at three in the morning as I… More

Pieces of a Dream

Pieces of a DreamSmacking gum, smiling, and wearing atight mini-mini that barely coversthe imagination, she looks like shebelongs in a junior high somewhere—and even that might be a stretch.It’s… More