The Call

I descended the mosque steps calmly after the prayer, talking to a friend of mine. The school year had started a few weeks earlier, the university students arriving from… More

Pistachio, Down, and My Fat Uncle

After reading lots of Lydia DavisPISTACHIOI’m snacking and I find myself thinking: A pistachio is a bad parable. The ones that are easiest to open are also the tastiest.… More


1They lived, when he was growing up, in a simple house, an old bungalow with a converted attic and sides covered in cedar shake. In the back, where an… More

Welcome to Tyosen™!

Welcome to the world of Tyosen™, a land of awesome magic and hair-raising adventure that you discover at your own speed, using the convenience of the postal service! A… More

Calling the Characters

Calling the CharactersIs this the right house? Shabbier than last timebut when was that? Two weeks ago? Two months?Have they forgotten me? The door’s unlocked,left open for me or… More

Lara Croft

Lara CroftShe lies half sunken in the swamps of depression, her open jawsfull of complaint. sometimes lava flows. sometimes the cold ashsifts—of the Jewish Historical Institute archives,where once, sorting… More

Public Demons

Public Demons: Chronicle of a Raid “Without justice, what would States really bebut giant bands of thieves?”—St. Augustine, City of God“For my friends, whatever they want. For my enemies, the… More

Yoshihiro Tatsumi: Hell

"Hell," a graphic story by Yoshihiro Tatsumi, appears in PEN America 10: Fear Itself. To read the rest of this story, pick up a copy of PEN America 10: Fear… More

Being Saïd

On a stage in New York, a Director, an Actor, and an Actress are struggling to finish a play written by Saïd Sayrafiezadeh.Director: (Addressing the audience.) Ladies and gentlemen,… More