Dawit Isaak | Status: Detained | Eritrea

Dawit has been held in prison for more than a decade without being charged or brought to trial by the Eritrean government. He is a playwright, writer, and co-owner… More

The Unity Five | Status: Released | Myanmar

Four journalists Lu Maw Naing, Yarzar Oo, Paing Thet Kyaw, and Sithu Soe for the newspaper, Unity, along with the CEO, Tint San, of the newspaper were sentenced to… More

Anna Politkovskaya | Status: Murdered | Russia

Anna Politkovskaya was an accomplished journalist, writer, and human rights activist. She produced a large body of work on human rights abuses in Russia and was murdered for her… More

Xue Deyun | Status: Released | China

Xue Deyun (pen name Ma Zhe) was arrested on January 26, 1998. Xue was sentenced at the Guiyang Municipal People’s Court to five years in prison on charges of… More

Bei Dao | Status: Displaced/In Exile | China

In 1989, Bei Dao was accused of helping to incite the events in Tiananmen Square, and was forced into exile from China. Since then, he has lived in seven… More