Search Results for: freedom to write Index

Liu Xiaobo’s Nobel: One Year Later

[caption id="attachment_6814" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Liu Xiaobo’s empty chair. Photo by Sarah Hoffman."][/caption] Today marks three years since Liu Xiaobo was detained and began an odyssey into China’s legal system, which… More

Burmese Blogger Wins Top US Award

Imprisoned Burmese blogger Nay Phone Latt, whose role in disseminating news of the September 2007 uprising in Burma won him international applaud, has received the prestigious PEN/Barbara Goldsmith award.… More

The Naked Eye

An eye on film, affixed to an unconscious body. The eye sees nothing for the camera has already robbed it of vision. The gaze of the nameless lens licks… More

A Family’s Ties

*This story is dedicated to Mrs. Vera Prather. Without her loving support this story may never have been told.My parents had a secret. And as secrets go, they shared… More