Search Results for: russia


He wanted to remember them, but it seemed impossible for his mind to remember anything so beautiful and vast. On previous vacations, he had bought a postcard or two… More

PEN Appeal: Magomed Yevloyev

September 11, 2008 Mr. Dmitry Medvedev President of the Russian Federation Kremlin Moscow, Russia Fax: + 7 095 206 5173/ 230 2408 Email: [email protected] Mr. Chaika Yuri Yakovlevich Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Ishaya Dmitrovka, 15a GSP… More

The Nurse and the Novelist

1. The ButterflyThe entire book is set in two columns. The narrower one is in italics. It tells a story of a village woman who falls in love with… More

Celestial Harmonies

1. It is deucedly difficult to tell a lie when you don't know the truth.2. To kick off a text with a ferocious-looking baroque grand seigneur is gratifying; a… More

PEN Appeal: Azerbaijani journalists

January 7, 2008 His Excellency Heydar Aliyev President of the Azerbaijan Republic 19 Istiglaliyyat Street Baku AZ1066 Azerbaijan Fax: 011 994 12 92-0625 His Excellency Lt.-Gen. Ramil Usubov Ministry of Internal Affairs Husu Hajiyev Street… More

PEN Appeal: Nikolai Andrushchenko

May 14, 2008 H. E. Vladimir Putin President of the Russian Federation The Kremlin Moscow, Russia Fax: 011 7 095 206 5173/ 206 6277 Mr. Vladimir Ustinov Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Possiyskaya Federatsiya … More

Datura: A Dramatic Poem

CHARACTERSDaturaDestiny Mortal (Mercury) Faust Lucifer “Don’t make a religion of reason and logic, because in the passage of time reason may fail you. Then you may find yourself taking… More