Search Results for: Translation

2006 PEN/Newman’s Own First Amendment Award

PEN American Center has named Sibel Edmonds, a translator who was fired from her job at the FBI after complaining of intelligence failures and poor performance in her unit,… More

Thrown Voices: Richard Howard & Susan Sontag

SUSAN SONTAG: I think of Richard Howard as a very central figure in our culture, maintaining and giving eloquent voice and illustration to standards that are in peril today.… More

Confessions of a Silent Genre

The reader’s report is the most silent of literary genres, its existence publicly acknowledged only in attacks or parodies. In Umberto Eco’s Misreadings, spectacularly obtuse flunkies advise publishers to… More

Larry McMurtry testimony

Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and Administrative Justice of the House Judiciary Committee Chairman: Jack Brooks My name is Larry McMurtry. I am a writer. I have published several novels, including… More

Buddhism in Prison

The Martha Stewart verdict is screaming from the headlines as I begin to write these lines. Martha used to be something of an idol to me. Before landing in… More

World Press Freedom Day

To mark this year's May 3rd World Press Freedom Day, PEN is focusing on three cases of attacks on writers and journalists who use the internet. Details of each… More