Search Results for: PEN TEN

Jonathan Lethem & Patti Smith

I would go to rummage sales or church bazaars and pick out books for pennies, for a quarter. I got a first edition Dickens with a green velvet cover… More

Before the Next World Cup

It was Amichai’s idea, those wishes.After Emanuel Petit scored the third goal and it was already clear that France would take the Cup, and there was a faint sense… More


The girl listens in amazement as the cryptic novelist reads a chapter of his latest novel. When he finishes, everyone applauds. She manages to maneuver herself into a strategic… More


The Bug That Ate the VegetableI spoke endlessly, you refused totally,I articulated incessantly, you kept shrugging your shouldersI spoke it in codes, I spoke French,You turned a deaf ear,… More


TítíloláIt’s not that I have never seen a bird,But the peacock is different among birds.It’s not that I have never seen a snake before,But Nìnì is the most attractive… More

Journalist Detained; Fears for Safety

International PEN is seriously concerned about the detention of Abdulelah Haider Shaea, a journalist who is known for his coverage of Islamist groups in the Arabian Peninsula. More