Search Results for: PEN TEN

Online Editor Jailed for Treason

PEN International protests the continued detention of Jean-Claude Kavumbagu, editor of the online press agency Net Press, who was arrested on July 17, 2010. More

Reader Privacy Advocates Urge Calls to Congress

As debate begins in Washington again over the reauthorization of sections of the USA Patriot Act that expire on February 28, the Campaign for Reader Privacy, representing librarians, booksellers,… More

The War on Torture

Near the start of this year's Sundance Film Festival, at a panel titled "Why Art Matters," veteran television producer Norman Lear answered the question this way: "The arts start… More

Reader Privacy Fight Resumes in Congress

Just four weeks before controversial portions of the USA Patriot Act are set to expire, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) last week reintroduced a reauthorization bill that would restore protections… More

Revolution at Sundance

I am here in Park City, Utah, for my first encounter with the Sundance Festival; I had expected starlets in ski boots and parties in which people said 'Darling'… More