Search Results for: PEN TEN


Suddenly it occurred to me I wouldn’t be spending today in the fields either, bent double cutting the wheat. I felt a little surge of happiness, but it quickly… More

Summer Rain

Sabri was astonished to see the young woman absently smiling in the pouring rain as she passed through the gate and touched, almost caressed, the trunk of the withered… More

Dressing Down

When war broke out I volunteered as a second-line reservist in the 51st regiment, the one with the grey collar-tabs. I didn’t get a volunteer stripe, but nevertheless I… More


“What’s this soup made of?”“No way of knowing … The cook probably doesn’t even know.”The waitress had just finished filling two bowls with a yellowish liquid: small pieces of… More

Writer Ye Du Detained; Fears for Safety

Wu Wei (pen name Ye Du), the webmaster and Network Coordinator of the Independent Chinese PEN Center (ICPC), is being held under residential surveillance for "inciting subversion of state… More

Chinese Writers React to Crackdown

The Independent Chinese PEN Center (ICPC) today released a statement reacting to a wave of arrests of its members in China, including renowned lawyer Teng Biao and Ran Yunfei,… More