Search Results for: PEN TEN

Ai Weiwei’s Release Gives Reason for Hope

[caption id="attachment_392" align="alignnone" width="392" caption="Ai Weiwei"] [/caption] We were much relieved to learn that Ai Weiwei was released this week on bail, though we know from the experiences of others in… More

Dear President Obama

Arguing that the United States owes a public debt to those who refused to support or participate in torture, PEN American Center has joined with nine other leading human… More

Dear President Obama

Arguing that the United States owes a public debt to those who refused to support or participate in torture, PEN American Center has joined with nine other leading human… More

One Year in Prison for Editor Critical of Government

PEN International protests the one-year prison sentence and fine handed to Almasae editor Rachid Nini on June 9, 2011, apparently in retaliation for his articles criticizing government policies and… More

The Secret of Sky: Act III (Evening)

The Secret of Sky: Act III (Evening) CAST OF CHARACTERS The PRISONER A man in his early thirties—attractive but disheveled; dressed in a long-sleeved T-shirt, gray sweat pants, and (when not in… More

Give Us Back Our Bahrain

We are in the business of open memories, memories that do not oppose people, one against the other. We represent an open idea of how people can live together. More

Give Us Back Our Bahrain

httpv:// The above video captures Bahraini poet Ayat al-Gormezi reciting her poem, “Khalifa” (Prime Minister), at a pro-democracy protest in Pearl Square. She was arrested in March and charged with incitement… More

Do Women Writers Write “Tosh”

V. S. Naipaul’s pronouncement—that no women writers are his equals—shows him as sexist, of course, as well as arrogant and absurd. More

Poet and Writer Arrested; Fears for Safety

PEN International is deeply concerned about the arrests of poet and student Ayat Al-Gormezi (f), and writer and journalist Abbas Al- Murshid, who have been held since March 30… More