Search Results for: PEN TEN

Three Poems

A calm sign in the trees of May: she’s dead, / not like this dirge staining the air, her name / recited in the camphor-house where the chalk /… More

Birds in the Mouth

I turned off the TV and looked out the window. Silvia’s car was parked in front of the house, with the emergency lights on. I wondered if there was… More

A Theory of the Novel

a boy’s attention, corralled / in sand, pebbles, and the sun’s / slow clockwork, fails to take in / the wreckage, though / years from now, he’ll describe it… More

Day of the Imprisoned Writer

Today marks the 30th annual Day of the Imprisoned Writer, a yearly commemoration of writers around the world who have been imprisoned, harassed, or even silenced completely by death.… More

Day of the Imprisoned Writer

[caption id="attachment_2757" align="alignnone" width="400" caption="Photo by cccefalon via Wikimedia Commons"][/caption] Today marks the 30th annual Day of the Imprisoned Writer, a yearly commemoration of writers around the world who have… More

Day of the Imprisoned Writer

Today, PEN International will mark the 30th annual Day of the Imprisoned Writer, an international day of action intended to recognize and support writers who have resisted repression of… More

Day of the Imprisoned Writer

Today, PEN International will mark the 30th annual Day of the Imprisoned Writer, an international day of action intended to recognize and support writers who have resisted repression of… More