Working with communities to foster informed news consumption and offer tools to fight disinformation
The spread of disinformation threatens the fabric of our democracy, and public trust in the press is declining. As we navigate through the onslaught of COVID-19 coverage, PEN America believes it is vital to equip the public with the knowledge and skills to become more discerning news consumers, fit to defend themselves against disinformation.

Knowing the News, a series of virtual media literacy activities, is part of PEN America’s response to the ongoing threat of disinformation—made even more urgent during our current global public health crisis. PEN America has long argued that one of the best defenses against disinformation is ensuring the public has the skills and tools to evaluate the information they encounter and consume. To advance this goal, PEN America is working with our chapters and communities across the country to offer virtual media literacy trainings and other virtual programming during the COVID-19 crisis, including partnership events with journalists, newsrooms, public libraries, and other local organizations.

Media Literacy Toolkit
Drawn from the curriculum of PEN America’s “Knowing the News” project, here are five quick tips for defending against disinformation.

How to Talk to Friends and Family Who Share Misinformation
Your friends and family may spread misinformation, and it can be tough to know how to confront them. Here are a few suggestions.

PEN America’s Guide for Combating Protest Disinformation
False, misleading, and misattributed stories and images can polarize communities, unfairly damage reputations, and obscure the truth.

PEN America’s Guide on COVID-19 and Disinformation
If you’re looking to find factual information about public health, check first with trusted institutions, like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the World Health Organization.

How to Prevent the Spread of Disinformation About Russia’s War on Ukraine: A Tip Sheet
How can students mobilize and respond to book bans? This guide will help you fight back against book bans and build a stronger community of readers and advocates in the process.