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Bipartisan Senate coalition moves to formally assign blame for Khashoggi killing on Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Facebook comes under new fire as internal emails are released revealing the company’s efforts to thwart competition and obscure data collection efforts. White House appointee to Veterans Affairs Bureau urged the agency’s chief diversity officer to dilute criticism of white supremacy in the wake of the deadly Charlottesville protests, disclosed documents reveal. Weekly Standard, conservative publication that has persisted in its criticisms of the Trump Administration, faces an uncertain future. -Suzanne Nossel, Chief Executive Officer

The most pressing threats and notable goings-on in free expression today


Bipartisan Senate Group Wants to Formally Blame Saudi Crown Prince for Journalist’s Killing *PEN Case List: Learn More
A bipartisan group of senators filed a resolution to condemn Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman as responsible for the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, directly challenging President Trump to do the same.

Facebook Internal Emails Show Zuckerberg Targeting Competitor Vine
The decision to restrict Vine’s access to data, which would have allowed its users to invite their Facebook friends to join the app, was in line with a company policy at the time, Facebook said. But the company changed the policy on Tuesday, one day before the emails were released.

Don’t Condemn White Nationalists, Veterans Affairs’ Diversity Chief Was Told after Charlottesville, Emails Show
A top White House appointee at the Department of Veterans Affairs sought to silence the agency’s chief diversity officer, who, after Charlottesville, pushed for a forceful condemnation that was at odds with President Trump’s response, newly disclosed emails show.

A Conservative Magazine May Pay a Price for Being Unfriendly to Trump
Other conservative magazines, websites, and news empires have thrived since President Trump took office by cheering him on or, at least, playing down his faults. But The Weekly Standard didn’t go along, and now its future is in danger.

When Hate Speech and Free Speech Collide *PEN Staff
“Responses that do not strongly condemn the content of hateful acts can add a sense of institutional indifference to these already vile incidents, particularly in the eyes of those targeted. They also mistakenly position free speech against hate speech, assuming that protecting free speech means there are constraints on denouncing hate. This is categorically wrong.”


Threats to Journalists Worldwide Are at a 10-Year High, Report Says
A new report has found that journalists face more danger than at any other time over the past 10 years, with 78 journalists killed and a further 326 imprisoned while doing their job or for their work in 2017.

U.K. Authors Lobby for Brexit Protections
The U.K. Society of Authors has issued a report called “Brexit Briefing,” which outlines the vulnerabilities the U.K. creative community faces during Brexit negotiations. It asks that the government ensure “a new national policy framework that is favorable to writers” and specifically asks protections for writers.

EU Steps up Fight against Fake News
European Union authorities want internet companies including Google, Facebook, and Twitter to file monthly reports on their progress eradicating fake news campaigns from their sites ahead of elections next year.

Photojournalist Lu Guang Disappeared in China Last Month While Documenting the Country’s Oppression of Muslims
The award-winning Chinese documentary photographer Lu Guang has gone missing. He disappeared a month ago after traveling to Xinjiang to document the region which is home to a large Muslim population being held in internment camps.

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