5 Ways to Fight Book Bans

Censorship has swept the United States in the past several years, with more than 10,000 book bans since PEN America began tracking them in 2021 in our Banned in the USA reports. Dozens of states have passed or debated laws that restrict the freedom to read, leaving teachers and librarians feeling pressure to limit children’s access to information. Here are five things you can do TODAY to fight book bans in your community and beyond.

Defend the Freedom to Read and Fight Against Censorship
We believe in the freedom to read. We believe that teachers and librarians deserve respect, and children deserve to learn about their world. Do you? Urge your state and federal elected officials to sign the pledge: #DontCensorAmerica.

Support Organizations That Defend Readers and Writers
PEN America is tracking book bans across the country, successfully advocating against censorship, and challenging book banners in court.
We work with other organizations that defend the freedom to read. Look for groups in your community that are fighting book bans, like our partners the Florida Freedom to Read Project or Annie’s Foundation. Find a group at Fightforthefirst.com.

Vote Locally
Do you know when school board elections happen in your state? School boards play an important role in ensuring students in your schools have access to books, and often have the power to allow or prevent book bans. Text “READ” to 26797 for more information from Let America Read and to register to vote.

Buy or Check Out a Banned Book
Support free access to books by showing your interest in challenged titles. If you check out a book from a library or buy the book, it helps demonstrate to libraries and publishers that the book is valuable to readers.

Speak Out About Book Bans
Attend a School or Library Board Meeting.
Not sure what to say at a school board meeting? Check out our tips on what to say at school board meetings and our sample letter to share with a school or library.
Speak Publicly About Books.
Books change lives. Show how a book made a difference in your life with a letter to a local or school newspaper, send a postcard to an author or librarian, or share your story on social media with the hashtag #FreeTheBooks.
If book bans are happening in your community, tell PEN America, speak out to your local school board and officials, and check out PEN America’s guide on how to plan a peaceful protest.