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The Last Run (An Excerpt)

Louis Gentry stood outside Kings County Hospital. His new shoes killing him. A forty-five year old ex-con with a limp in his left leg—a nerve severed by a shiv… More

Hero of the Quotidian

It was in the golden, grasshopper-drenched spring of my eighth year that I first purposed to become a police officer, when I watched the grim-faced deputies arrest and carry… More

Walls (an excerpt)

On the other side of the world, thirty years after Billy died in Vietnam, Brophy lay face down the grass of another valley as bullets hit the ground nearby.… More


What if Madness is nothing more than a pawn assigned to particularly susceptible individuals by an infinitely corrupt and evil shot-caller? What might one discover if he could see… More

Walker’s Requiem

I could see myself in the dark mahogany coffin. How I had gotten there and why was something I couldn't remember. I could hear the hum of an organ… More

House passes Freedom to Read Amendment

In a vote that sends a clear message to the Bush Administration that Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act needs to be amended to protect Americans' right to… More

Recipe For Prison Pruno

Take ten peeled oranges,Jarvis Masters, it is the judgment and sentence of this court,one 8 oz. bowl of fruit cocktail,that the charged information was true,squeeze the fruit into a… More

In the Big Yard

Rumors abound Inmate So-and-So done gotta parole date.Last Monday, but sucker don't evenKnow his woman done run off with "sweet Cadillac Willie"Who spent her welfare check on gasoline an'… More

My Turn

On a quiet day almost twenty years ago I watched two fellow prisoners at Florida State Prison enter Dana DeWitt's cell and stab him so viciously that his blood… More