If I Get Arrested

"When my case is concerned, if you can, please support by standing for freedom of speech and freedom of privacy in this country as loudly as possible. Otherwise, I… More

The Russian Woodpecker

Winner of a Grand Jury Prize at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival, this conspiracy thriller documentary follows eccentric Ukrainian artist Fedor Alexandrovich as he unmasks a Chernobyl disaster cover-up… More

Blessed Bodies

"Y-land had no marriage system but was famous for its prosperous sex industry. Even bartering was allowed: when the male clients could not afford to pay, they could obtain… More

A Day in Dala with PEN Myanmar

An account of eight days in Yangon talking to writers, journalists, publishers, activists, and politicians about their experiences of the current state of freedom of expression in Myanmar ahead… More

PEN Welcomes UN Action on Right to Privacy

The UN Human Rights Council’s decision to establish a new Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy is a welcome move towards greater protection of human rights in an… More