The Horizon Rises

Wednesday. It is Wednesday, isn’t it? What happened to Saturday? Did it devour Sunday and Monday and Tuesday, and was it now hungrily eyeing Wednesday’s infant morning? This savage… More


Teacher . . . Teacher. What it mean when I wearing an orange color suit and I standing in front of me auntie house and the house be white… More

Fifty Percent

I stand beneath the eaves at the back entrance to a prison school classroom watching the rain. A double row of chain-link fencing topped by spools of razorwire separate… More

Prison Sexuality

Many will consider this a perverse subject, one they would rather ignore than discuss. To do so is to deny nature. For those concerned with the health and well-being… More

Countdown in Fear

We call him Little Z. Today he received in the mail the news he had been fearing, word from the trial court that he has been assigned an execution… More


(From the first scene: Court Room Day) Gerry Dibble stands before God with one of Jesus’ representatives who is defending him. Satan’s officer is prosecuting him and one ofhis representatives… More

Made in the USA

The pictures that came out of Iraq told a brutal story. No, not the ones to which the public has grown disturbingly apathetic, those of American soldiers in action… More

Horse the Caterpillar

In the world that I lived, I felt attached to its walls. These walls had no corners for there was no place to hide.In the beginning of this life… More